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How to avoid cheating with flyer distribution campaigns

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How we avoid cheating at Oppizi

We get asked this question all the time ‘how can you ensure flyers aren’t just put in the bin instead of being handed out?’ And it’s a valid question.

At Oppizi, we know there’s no way to irradiate cheating fully, but we’ve spent time testing and tweaking our software to ensure that the risk of cheating is significantly reduced. 

Our anti-cheat strategies include…

  • Deploying mystery shoppers
  • Tracking and monitoring brand ambassadors performance 
  • Incentivising ambassadors

Read about each below.

#1 We use mystery shoppers

Mystery shoppers have proved a great way to keep tabs on our new brand ambassadors.

We know that you’re parting with a chunk of your marketing budget, so building and delivering a campaign that converts into customers is our sole aim, just as it is yours. And we can’t achieve those results if your flyers or leaflets are ending up straight in the bin.

That’s why mystery shoppers linger around, visiting campaign locations and quizzing the ambassadors about the service or product they’re promoting. Mystery shoppers are the best way for us to verify impromptu quality control.

#2 We track and monitor brand ambassador missions

Our app has built-in GPS tracking. We receive automated email notifications every time a brand ambassador checks out of their shift early, doesn’t check-in at all, hasn’t spent long enough distributing your marketing materials or has distributed less than 60% of their pack. 

Don’t get us wrong, some of the brand ambassadors are fast and effective at distribution, but if someone’s conversion rate is below the ambassador average, alarm bells ring at HQ, and our city managers are straight into a phone call with the ambassador.

We’re consistently monitoring the average conversion rate per campaign, which helps us understand data fast and address any issues.

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Click to book a demo version

#3 We incentivise our ambassadors

Incentivisation is a guaranteed way of motivating ambassadors. We want to reward them for the great work they’re doing for your business in getting your name out there and converting customers. That’s why we implemented a bonus scheme.

The bonus scheme is designed to financially reward ambassadors in return for customer conversions for your business. How do we track this? Each ambassador gets a unique code per mission, and with our data combined, we can track conversions through our flyer distribution dashboard to keep tabs on the star performers (this method also helps us weed out those who may need additional training or aren’t quite the right fit for our missions). 

Now you know about our anti-cheat strategies, you might need some guidance when creating your first leaflet marketing campaign. Read our blog: 3 steps to creating a leaflet marketing campaign strategy

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Picture of Shelly Parker

Shelly Parker


About Oppizi

Oppizi is on a mission to disrupt offline marketing at scale by offering offline marketing solutions that co-exisst with digital channels and providing businesses with MarTech solution that resonate with audiences across various touchpoints.

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