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3 statistics to help you focus your offline marketing efforts

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Statistics that will help focus your offline marketing campaign

As consumers, we’re constantly being bombarded by digital ads, promoted emails, sponsored social posts — the list goes on. And it’s getting tiresome and more invasive. The growth of machine learning is helping companies get closer to their customers, whether they like it or not. And it seems there’s a lot of people who’re sick of it. Hubspot found that 91% of respondents agreed ads are more intrusive today compared to two to three years ago. 

But there’s another way to connect with your customers on a personal level — and that’s with offline marketing. Offline marketing brings marketing back to basics, which isn’t heard of in these superbly modern times. Everyone has a smartphone, but EVERY company is vying for user attention — they’re using the same tactics.

What about if you leveraged offline marketing to get the word out about your brand to a targeted audience? Walking the streets or sitting at home are both places you can do this.

Multichannel shoppers have a 30% higher lifetime value

Data shared by Think with Google says shoppers who shop in-store and online have a 30% higher lifetime value than shoppers who only shop using one channel. Customers can be expensive to acquire, so it’s worth some further analysis to understand your customers’ shopping habits — you need to understand what makes them tick, how do they like to shop, what does their customer journey look like? 

So, which channels should you utilise to make use of multichannel marketing? There are many offline marketing tactics that complement your online efforts, from geofencing and SMS push notifications to flyer distribution and direct mail. If you’re interested in learning more, we’ve written a blog about how to connect offline with online marketing.

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Click to book a demo version

There’s been a 21% decrease in direct mail

It was Hubspot who reported there was a decrease in direct mail. And if a decrease of 21% seems like a lot, it’s because it is. Why are we telling you this? Because the focus for other marketers is elsewhere. They’re investing their marketing budget in digital channels, channels they think are the only ones that are measurable. But offline marketing, including flyer distribution, are all measurable too, you just need to be armed with the right software.

Extra tidbit: With Oppizi, you can measure the CPA, conversion rate, and average redeem time of a flyer all through our data-driven software. Pretty neat.

75% of shoppers say they’ve used a Google product in the past week to help with their shopping

According to Think with Google, three-quarters of shoppers surveyed said they’d used a Google product (search, maps, and YouTube) in the past week (in 2019) to help with their shopping. As if we didn’t know it already, this further highlights the importance of having a distinctive online presence. Just because you have a storefront with a strong high-street presence and a large volume of footfall, doesn’t mean you can’t bolster your traffic with an online presence.

Make sure you’re collecting reviews for your Google My Business page and actively implement an organic search strategy — because shoppers are looking for you.

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Picture of Nicolas de Resbecq

Nicolas de Resbecq


About Oppizi

Oppizi is on a mission to disrupt offline marketing at scale by offering offline marketing solutions that co-exisst with digital channels and providing businesses with MarTech solution that resonate with audiences across various touchpoints.

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