Oppizi is now Uber's global preferred partner for offline marketing solutions!

How easy is it to manage a flyer distribution campaign?

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Here’s how easy it is to use Oppizi 

Getting your head around a new piece of software can be daunting, we get it. And that’s exactly why we’re talking you through how our customers can use our user-friendly dashboard to analyse their flyer distribution campaigns. Because, without measuring campaign performance, how will you define success?

We’ve broken this blog into three sections:

  • Navigating our Dashboard
  • Analysing your campaign 
  • Results you can expect with Oppizi 

If you’d like a more in-depth look at our software, you can book a free demo (it only takes 15 minutes).

Book your free demo.

Navigating our dashboard

Our dashboard is built for easy navigation. After we’ve worked together to set up your flyer campaign, we’ll do all the heavy lifting in the backend. This includes setting up all the parameters for your campaign — duration, location, targets, and more.

You can see from the below screenshot; the dashboard gives you a comprehensive overview of all your campaign elements. At the very top of your dashboard, you can see two scales; these are your targets; with a quick glance, you can see how your campaigns are performing — have they reached the set target or surpassed them? 

From your dashboard, you can navigate to view your completed and active campaigns. You can inspect the weekly schedules for your upcoming campaigns, and if you see something you’re not happy about, tell us, and we can amend it for you — you can swap out the campaign location, for example. 

You’re in complete control of your campaign.

Analysing your campaigns

This is the fun bit. Once your campaign is up and running, you can watch as the brand ambassadors hand out your leaflets through GPS map tracking (you can’t see names — we’re GDPR-compliant!), you can view campaign results in real-time. See how many flyers have been distributed, check brand ambassadors are adhering to the COVID-safe guidance by viewing brand ambassador selfies donning their masks and your branded t-shirts.

Dig deep into specific locations, analyse days and times of the week to see when your campaign performs the best. But don’t worry, you don’t have to action anything here; this is purely for your information. We continually optimise all customer campaigns, and we’re always checking in on our ambassadors to ensure they’re working hard representing your brand as best as possible.

Wondering how we reduce the risk of cheating? Read this blog: How we avoid cheating at Oppizi.

What else can you analyse? A/B testing results, campaign spend, campaign performance by city and campaign status, and more. You can access lots of useful marketing data at your fingertips. 

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Click to book a demo version

What results can I expect with Oppizi?

We’ve worked alongside customers in all kinds of sectors, from food delivery and restaurants to sports classes, car share software, and pet shops. Flyer distribution generates results for every industry; all you need is a compelling flyer design and Oppizi.

Flyer distribution helps increase brand awareness, engage and convert new customers, and generate an incredible return on investment. It’s a way to build connections with an audience who might never have heard of your brand before in a more traditional way.

In a world where everything is digital, flyer distribution with Oppizi brings a perfect blend of digital and traditional marketing, giving you insightful, measurable marketing campaigns.

  • THE ICONIC converted 53,000 new customers with Oppizi
  • For FoodChéri, 10% of their new customers were attributed to flyering
  • A flyer distribution campaign for DiDi saw them acquire over 165,000 new customers across five cities

The long and short of it? Flyer distribution works. Read all our customer success stories.

How can we help your brand? Book your free demo and we’ll show you!

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Picture of Shelly Parker

Shelly Parker


About Oppizi

Oppizi is on a mission to disrupt offline marketing at scale by offering offline marketing solutions that co-exisst with digital channels and providing businesses with MarTech solution that resonate with audiences across various touchpoints.

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