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How to Use Door Hangers to Boost Your Business

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Is your business considering a door hanger campaign?

Unlike other forms of marketing, door hangers are distributed in a way that meets your prospective customers on their terms. Instead of bombarding an audience with bright and flashy adverts on a website or enormous billboards, door hangers are a non-confrontational and personal way to communicate a message or advertise a service. 

What Are Door Hangers?

Door hangers are an overlooked and underrated form of offline marketing. They stand out due to their tactile nature. Personalized door hangers can meet the audience at their home, which deviates significantly from other forms of offline marketing, such as hand to hand distribution.

Typically, a door hanger has a hook or an insert that enables it to be securely attached to a handle, preventing the hanger from flying away or being damaged by the elements. They are small and concise – for example, a standard hanger’s dimensions clock in at approximately 4.25 x 11 inches.

Door hanger for hotel room

Pros and Cons

There are many pros and cons to door hanger marketing, e.g. door hanger advertising is an affordable way to convey a message. However, its hyper-localization nature makes it less effective in a large-scale campaign.

The pros include:

  • The production and distribution of door hangers are more affordable than other marketing methods, making them perfect for a smaller business. You could see up to a 5% return on investment.
  • It’s easy to create a personal hanger designed for your target audience – the only limiting factor is space.
  • It’s an excellent alternative to other flyering and marketing methods and immediately grabs the audience’s attention. Door hangers have been known to achieve 4-5% response rates.

On the other hand, the cons are that:

  • Door hangers are less effective in a more extensive campaign and are best used in a smaller area. 
  • Door hangers are smaller than flyers, which clock in at around 8.5 x 11 inches, so they contain less information.
  • As door hangers reach the audience directly, their designs must be regularly updated; otherwise, they may be viewed as junk mail. Junk mail is defined as unwanted or unsolicited advertising or promotional material sent via the post.
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Is Door Hanger Marketing Suitable for Your Business?

Yes! One of the biggest benefits of door hanger campaigns is that they are suitable for organizations of all sizes. Door hangers are one of the most diverse marketing methods, as they can be seen advertising businesses and services of all kinds, including restaurant menus, political campaigns, or even landscaping services. It particularly shines when used by small or upcoming businesses thanks to its ability to be carried out without a large budget. 

How Can Door Hanger Marketing be Used?

Door hanger marketing can be used in many ways thanks to the fact that it is highly customizable. 

Door hangers can be used to showcase the following:

  • New products
  • Promotions
  • Services
  • Your business and why it’s unique

Moreover, door hangers greatly increase brand visibility, especially within the community. As they directly target the intended audience, door hangers can be tailored to their exact needs, wants, and pain points.

In the case of a restaurant, a door hanger could cover the opening and closing hours; the type of restaurant it is, e.g. an Italian restaurant; items on the menu; or a discount. With accessibility being a priority for many businesses, the door hanger may also show that the restaurant caters to certain dietary requirements or allergies. 

Planning Door Hanger Distribution

Door hanger distribution requires a great deal of planning. From the design to the strength of your offer, each step is fundamental to the success of your strategy. Of course, it is easier said than done, but the planning process can make an enormous difference in the outcome. According to Opportunity Marketing, a solid plan provides focus, transparency, consistency, clarity, and the ability to budget effectively.

Before starting your campaign, you need to have a goal in mind: are you trying to boost sales or generate leads? Having this understanding will allow you to evaluate your campaign and what needs to change going forward.

Custom Door Hangers and Door Hanger Designs

Your door hangers must be adequately designed to showcase your business positively. Indeed, door hanger design is a simple and creative way to ensure your advert gets noticed.

The design is the first thing potential clients will notice, so whether you use your design or one created by a graphic designer, you must ensure that it includes relevant and aesthetically pleasing information. Consistent, high-quality graphic design can boost a brand’s sales by around 33%!

You could feature exclusive coupons; your latest sales promotion; free delivery offers; affordable prices; or a range of services available. What’s more, adding a call to action is important, as this can increase revenue by up to 83%.

Where Should Door Hangers Be Distributed?

Typically left at people’s residences, door hangers are a form of marketing that has an immediate and sustained impact, as it has the potential to be seen by the entire household. As such, you must consider where you will distribute your door hangers.

You must ensure that the location ties into your ideal demographic: who do you want to target with your campaign? 

In turn, there are several factors to research before selecting a location:

  • Income level
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Consumer behavior 
  • Marital and family statistics

If you’re advertising a designer retail store, choosing an affluent area will prove to be more effective, as you’re targeting people who can afford and may be interested in your products. Whereas, a family-friendly cafe would benefit from targeting an area where lots of families with young children live. 

When Should Door Hangers Be Distributed?

Timing is integral to any good offline campaign, which is no different for door hanger advertising. When planning a door hanger marketing campaign, you must consider when you want to distribute your door hangers, as this can dictate whether or not you impact your potential customers. 

As the perfect time changes weekly or even daily, understanding your audience’s behaviors can aid in determining when and how you should conduct your campaign. 

In essence, it’s crucial that you prioritize behavioral segmentation, which means dividing customers into segments based on their knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, values, purchase behavior, and product usage. When you pay attention to your clients’ motivations, producing a hyper-targeted campaign that promises results is easier.

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Click to book a demo version

Technology Can Support Your Campaign

The use of technology can elevate your campaign to the next level. Rather than doing everything manually, you can streamline your strategy with platforms that enable you to plan, monitor, and track your campaign all in one place.

At Oppizi, we use cutting-edge technology to optimize your marketing strategy. Our platform can help you launch targeted campaigns without any hassle. What’s more, we take care of everything for you, meaning you can get back to what you do best. It really is that easy! 

Can Door Hangers Supplement Other Mediums?

Once again: yes! Door hanger marketing is flexible and, combined with online or other offline marketing tools, is incredibly effective. Door hangers are a physical reminder of who and what your brand is. 

Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day, so you can reach a wider audience by producing SEO-centric blog articles or social media campaigns. Henceforth, combining online and offline campaigns can ensure that your brand reaches a broader audience. It is a foolproof way of ensuring that your message, product, or service gets out into the world and gains traction. 

How Can the Success of a Campaign be Measured?

Once your campaign has hit the streets, you must keep track of the numbers to gauge the advertisement’s success. There are a variety of key performance metrics that determine this:

  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • Conversion rate
  • Cost per lead (CPL)
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA)
Key performance indicator (KPI) tracking

KPIs are more than just numbers, they provide an insight into how your campaign is performing and if your marketing strategy is efficacious. Oppizi’s unique tracking platform allows you to manage 14 KPIs; monitoring these figures will determine the future of your strategy. 

Are Door Hangers Effective?

Door hangers are a tangible way to drive traffic towards your brand. Don’t believe us? The statistics back it up!

Whilst online marketing has many benefits, flyers have proven to be more effective in creating a long-term impression. For example, 89% of people remember receiving a flyer more than any other form of advertising (DMA). In addition, 45% of people regularly keep flyers they receive for future reference (DMA).

Door Hangers Drive Results

Door hanger marketing is an easy and cost-effective way to advertise your business within its local market. By carefully planning your campaign, you can ensure that your business sees outstanding results – more customers, greater profits, or a more prominent profile in the community. 

Picture of Amelia Walker

Amelia Walker


About Oppizi

Oppizi is on a mission to disrupt offline marketing at scale by offering offline marketing solutions that co-exisst with digital channels and providing businesses with MarTech solution that resonate with audiences across various touchpoints.

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